Similar to other meaningful investments, such as purchasing your first home, car, or investing in a business, it’s important that you take the time to do some research and figure out what avenue would be the best for you. There’s so much to consider: how much you want to invest, for how long, and in...Read More
What specifically separates an elite matchmaker from a sub-par matchmaker? One of the immediate points that may come to mind is the amount of experience. While both may possess an impressive amount of time in the dating industry, there are a few distinct characteristics that distinguish the notable from the acceptable. 1. They’re Not Passive...Read More
We’ve been getting many questions regarding how much it would cost to hire a matchmaker. What is the difference between a client and a free member in the database? A client has guaranteed dates. A client is paying our company. A Complimentary member joining our network is just that, FREE to join, it...Read More
If you’re sitting next to someone on an airplane and they fall asleep but you have to pee do you wake them up or try to shimmy around them? What has genuinely surprised you? What’s your favorite film? Tell me about an adventure you went on recently. One word to describe yourself What have you...Read More
Here are some dating and marriage statistics for finding love. Read below! 1. If you date for three months then it’s likely you’ll be dating for four years. (Source) 2. Contrary to what you might expect, big cities are actually worse for meeting someone. Specifically, Los Angeles, New York City, and Miami are bad...Read More