
5 Tips For Approaching Women | Single In California

5 Tips For Approaching Women | Single In California
  1. If her headphones are in she doesn’t want you talking to her. Seems like a no-brainer, right? Wrong.

For some reason, men seem to completely ignore body language and the very obvious fact that the woman is literally trying to block sound.

I’m going to take this piece of advice one step further and tell you that pulling out one of her headphones won’t get you her phone number, but, it may get you maced.

2. Keep it positive and light. 

There is definitely a time and a place to start asking deeper more probing questions about people’s beliefs. For example when you’ve gotten to know someone a little better and can properly gauge their reactions to make sure you’re not being offensive. It comes off as negative and it makes you seem like you’re instantly being aggressive or condescending. There are different ways of showing that you are interested and attentive besides interrogating your date.

3. Don’t stare.

Didn’t your mother teach you that staring is rude? If you see someone you like you should go talk to them. The longer you stare at her from across the room the more uncomfortable she’s going to grow.  Also, if you catch her trying to avoid your direct eye contact it’s probably because she’s not interested.

4. Don’t ignore her friends. 

If you’re at a bar and you see a cute girl with her friend your initial instinct might be to ignore her friend and lock into the girl you want to take home. Afterall, you don’t want to take them both home. This course of action normally backfires.

She’s not going to leave her friend at the bar alone to go home with you.

Try to be attentive to both women while clearly letting the girl you like that you’re into her. It helps when her friends give you a pass from the very beginning.

5. Avoid drinking too much. 

This is a tip to live and die by. A few drinks will loosen you up but too many drinks will turn you into a stumbling idiot. Plus if you do drink too much it may end up affecting your performance at the end of the night.

These are all the tips I have for now! Is there anything else you think should be added to this list?

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