
FAQ’s – For Women

Frequently Asked Questions by Women

Where do I login to view/edit my application?

After you have signed up on the website, immediately check your email for your application link. That link is sensitive to you and the only way to edit your application. If you need a new link to update your application, please email us at customersuccess@cinqe.com

Is High-End Matchmaking A Good Avenue For Me?

Our service is not for everyone. When you become a client of a high end matchmaker, you must be serious about your dating future and be prepared to trust our certified professional team.

If you know that you are looking for a long-term relationship, that would ultimately lead to marriage or last the rest of your life, Cinqe’s massive vetted network of single men would be a great fit for you. You are more than a few profile pictures and a few basic questions. We want to get to know you on a deeper level to make sure we match you with men who interest you the most.

When Should I Hire A Matchmaker?

Once you make the choice to work with a matchmaker, this should mean you are fully committing to find the perfect life partner. Our advice is to be 100% honest with yourself, and ask the following questions:

  • Am I completely unsatisfied with the men I have been meeting online?
  • Am I too busy to dedicate time to seek a partner?
  • Am I willing to be open to advice and suggestions regarding my dating history?
  • Am I 100% willing to invest in a Certified Matchmaking Company to find love for me?

2 Major Reasons Why We’re Hired By Women

Reason One (and the most common) : We understand that life gets busy. However, just because you’re a busy woman does not mean you don’t want a man to share your life with. You are very successful in your professional life and you want that to correlate with your dating life. You outsource most aspects of your life to professionals: chefs, personal shoppers, personal assistants, and you want to ensure your personal life is in the best hands possible.

Some of our female clients are among the wealthiest people in the metroplex, and they want to hire the most elite service out there to ensure they have the best success. With an over 80% success rate, official certification, extensive training and massive network, we are the choice that best fits that criteria.

Reason Two:  When you know what you’re looking for is difficult to find, i.e. “Oh, you cannot find what I’m looking for. I am the pickiest person alive and you will never find my match,” (we hear this monologue on a daily basis) it’s expected that you’ll be skeptical about trusting matchmakers to have success finding you that hard to find man. Lucky for you, finding difficult men is our specialty. Specifically, we hunt down, to the T, what you’re primarily looking for and who is also looking for someone like you. Below are a few example clients we’ve had the pleasure of taking on who had very particular match preferences:

  • 55 year old female executive, seeking to date black men ages 45-56, with assets of 5million+
  • 55 year old female celebrity seeking to date men with full-head of hair, at least 6”2, has grown children, ages 45-55, and has an income of at least 400k a year.
  • 49 year old female doctor seeking a partner who wants to have children
  • 29 year old female Business Owner seeking to date anywhere in the US. Match must be: attractive, 30-35, 6-6”3, with a net-worth of over 100million+

Certified Matchmakers

We like to stress our certification to be as transparent as possible with our prospective clients. Each one of us has undergone extensive training and have been awarded official certification by the Matchmaking Institute. As matchmakers who hold certification, we are expected to always comply with the high matchmaking standards, procedures, confidentiality, in addition to remaining knowledgeable about our industry.

Weekly Conversations

Another aspect of Cinqe that sets us apart from other matchmaking companies is our genuine care which is apparent thru our 24/7 availability and weekly chats. Weekly conversations are important because we take your worries, thoughts, and concerns to heart. We are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have, (ex. what to wear on a first date, what to say when you get nervous and blank, etc.), as well as to just be a friendly, comforting hand in navigating you through your dating life.

Is Feedback From Dates Truly Important?

In short, absolutely. We need to know the brutal truth about how your dates went (if you felt comfortable with your date, if there were more than a few awkward silences, what you thought at first sight, conversation, etc). Honesty is crucial. That way, we can use your feedback to match you up with a woman more suitable. We will always be equally as honest with you, providing relevant details from your match’s feedback from your date as well. We all hate leaving a date thinking it was amazing, and then never going on a second. To prevent this from happening, genuine candidate feedback is essential. Consider your matchmaker your “middle-man” and a safe place where you can share authentic thoughts about your dates.

We Know How To Get You To The First Date

Frequently with online dating, a majority of first dates don’t happen. Singles either get busy, pursue others, or neither party is willing to make the first move. Our team of certified high-end matchmakers are extremely experienced in getting that first date to not only happen, but it will have a higher prospect of a successful outcome.  We do this by scheduling your introductory calls with your match; no more missed calls and awkward texts to schedule a time to chat regarding your date. Our matchmakers make it seamless to get in touch with your match so you can share the planned details.

A few common questions frequently asked of our team of professionals:

  • How do you end the first date?
  • How to get to the second date?
  • What do I text back?
  • Do I pick her up?
  • Should I really go on that date even though we do not appear to be a perfect match?
  • Should I kiss her?
  • What should I wear?
  • How soon do I ask them out again following the first date?

When you choose to become a client with us, you have the counsel of certified matchmakers to advise and navigate you thru the landmines of today’s dating world.

We Identify Your Dating Patterns

We started Cinqe back in 2012, and have based our company on our team’s extensive experience, relationship wisdom, and our passion in leading people to happy, long-lasting relationships. During our weekly conversations, we identify your dating patterns in an effort to avoid repeating the same mistakes on future dates.

Contracts 6 Months Or Longer

Finding love takes time. Scheduling matches specialized for you can take weeks and months. Our network is comprised of women who are busy, and with busy individuals you get women who are taking vacations,, visiting family, parent sharing, working hard on their business, and due to this, it takes time for us to set-up a meeting with that special woman who would be a great match. We are not just here to find you a date; we are here to find you a relationship and we need to interview the best possible woman.

We also understand that you are a busy bee as well, which means some months you may not be available for a date. Therefore, the lengthy time of your contact will be necessary. Again, we do not aim to just send you out on dates; we take pride in ensuring that each individual client understands that we sincerely are here to find them true love that will last.

Regions we work in

We are currently serving clients who live in 🇨🇦🇺🇸🇬🇧 the United State, Canada or London. Email us at love@cinqe.com to see if you qualify for an in-person meeting with one of our Certified Matchmakers. We are a very small team of experienced Matchmakers, and our clients are not handed off to staff once we decide to work together. We remain with you until you decide to end your contract or until we’ve found you love.

Dating out of your local area

National searches are our specialty! Being certified by the Matchmaking Institute allows us to tap into a network of the most sought after matchmaker dating pool in the world. From dignitaries, to executives, to some of Forbes’ wealthiest billionaires, if you’re searching to date at the highest level, we can make that happen.