Quick Help Guide

Your Questions, Our Answers


Is it really free to join the database?


How much does it cost to become a premium paying client with guaranteed dates?

Cinqe Matchmaking fees range from $25,000 to $350,000 USD.

In-person Meeting Fee:

Our policy stipulates that face-to-face meetings are exclusive to our premium clientele. Until you upgrade to a paying membership, we refrain from arranging in-person consultations. However, once you’re a premium member, we will gladly set up direct, personal interactions.

Video & Phone Call Fees:

Phone $350-$1,000 USD. Video Fees range from $350-$3,000 USD

Payment methods accepted?

Phone and video call payments are made by credit card. Membership fees are only paid by wire transfers. Credit cards are NOT accepted for membership payments. No exceptions.