We provide an exclusive service to our paid clients ensuring them confirmed dates. Conversely, it is crucial to point out that membership in our complimentary database does not confer any guaranteed dating opportunities.
Our team will actively search to find your perfect match as a paying client.
How it works:
• We start with a phone screening to see if you qualify to become a client
• After you pass the initial screening, we set up a time for you to meet our team
• We place you with a matchmaker who best suits you
At our meeting, we review your past relationships and plans for the future. At this meeting, we will have matches we like to tell you about to ensure we are on the same page. Typically, there is a small fee for this session.
After the contract is signed:
• We begin sending you matches who are excited to meet you
• We work with your schedule to let you know a time to call your match and share the details on the date (location, parking, etc.).
• We like to set up the first date to make sure your questions are answered and you’re ready
• After the date we share crucial feedback
• With that information, we can properly present you with your next match.
This is the true benefit of matchmaking. We are not a dating service; matchmaking happens when we take the information from those dates and bring you matches who are better suited for you each time.
• Around the clock availability
o 90% of our clients are business owners and us being available during night hours and weekends is very much needed and appreciated by them.
• Experience
o We’ve been in this industry since 2012 and make 100s of new connections every week.
Our team belongs to a huge chain of veteran matchmakers as well as relationship therapists and counselors; we have worked with these professionals in the past and they have trained us to answer all the tough questions.
• Reach
o Our team has a combined reach of over 100k+ people within our network alone! This doesn’t include the thousands of vetted singles in our company database.
• Certified
o We take our matchmaking services very seriously and want to ensure that this is understood by potential clients. Not only have we been officially certified, but we have also been trained, observed, and have had our matchmaking abilities put to the test numerous times. We’re happy to say that whether a prospect decides to sign with us or not, he is always impressed with our professionalism.
When you decide to work with a matchmaker, you should be fully committed to finding the perfect life partner. Our advice is to be 100% honest with yourself and ask the following questions:
• Am I completely unsatisfied with online dating?
• Am I too busy to dedicate time to seek a partner?
• Am I willing to be open to advice and suggestions regarding my dating history?
• Am I 100% willing to invest in a certified matchmaking company to find love for me?
Unlimited dates and advice from our team.
Email love@cinqe.com
The usual range for a contract falls between $25,000 USD and $250,000 USD.
At Cinqe, we understand the importance of helping our clients reach their relationship goals. We want them to be able to explore as many introductions as possible without feeling constrained by limited contracts. That’s why we don’t offer contracts with a ‘per match guarantee’; instead, we give clients unlimited access to our roster of compatible singles at the same flat rate – allowing them the opportunity to find someone special without the worry of running out of time or chances!
Our expertise comes from years of experience in a variety of fields — with a 100% success rate if you listen to us. However, your decision is ultimately up to you — we will provide advice, but it’s in your hands to accept or reject this suggestion. In these scenarios, outcomes that don’t match the advice won’t be contingent upon our insight — only choices based on our advice will reflect positively on us.
We have 100% success IF YOU LISTEN TO OUR ADVICE.
In short, absolutely. We need to know the brutal truth about how your dates went (if you felt comfortable with your date, if there were more than a few awkward silences, what you thought at first sight, your conversation, etc.). Honesty is crucial as it helps us use your feedback to match you with someone more suitable. We will always be equally honest with you and provide relevant details from your match’s feedback as well. We all hate leaving a date thinking it was amazing and then never meet again. To prevent this from happening, genuine candidate feedback is essential. Consider your matchmaker your “middle-man” and a trusted confidant with whom you can share authentic thoughts about your dates.
No. We only offer unlimted dating.
At Cinqe, we understand the importance of helping our clients reach their relationship goals. We want them to be able to explore as many introductions as possible without feeling constrained by a contract. That’s why we don’t offer contracts with a ‘per match guarantee’; instead, we give clients unlimited access to our roster of compatible singles at the same flat rate – allowing them the opportunity to find someone special without the worry of running out of time or chances!
We are not seeking advice on our business model. Since 2011, we have operated successfully with this model. In fact, clients who have used other firms before choosing us often commend our unlimited dating business model. If our model doesn’t suit your needs, we’re pleased to recommend another matchmaking service for you.
You will likely go on 2-3 dates in the first month.
The second month, 1-3 dates.
(This does not include custom searches; ask your matchmaker what to expect.)
In the first month, you will see 1-3 a week.
The second month, as we fine-tune, it is typically 1-2 a week.
(This does not include custom searches; ask your matchmaker what to expect.)
We do not take responsibility for inaccuracies that may arise from online background checking systems. We recommend that you either use the services of a professional background-checking service or hire a private investigator to vet each match.
Memberships do not include the cost of a photoshoot. While our team will take care of coordinating your photographer, please note that the photographer fee is not covered. Photographers usually charge between $100 and $700.