
Seeking commitment-minded singles

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Complete a complimentary profile in our network to be matched with our Premium clients if you’re a good fit

  • Are you single between the ages of 23-80 living in the US or Canada and interested in getting in front of other quality singles?
  • At Cinqe Matchmaking, we offer a complimentary network that you can join at no cost by creating a confidential profile.
  • Our paying clients are typically wealthy, fit, CEO’s, lawyers and high profile individuals.
  • When we are searching for matches for our VIP Clients, we look through the members of our Complimentary Network to see who is a good fit.
  • Your profile is sent confidentially to our team only; this is NOT an open database.
  • Check your email to update/log into your application at anytime.
  • We must contact you first for an interview, no sales pitches, hassle free confidential dating.

No matter where you live, we have singles. 

About Cinqe Matchmaking

Cinqe Matchmaking Service

Since 2011, we operate out of California and Texas, with elite clients in most major cities in the US, Canada, and even worldwide. Learn about our team members, find us on instagram, or directly read about our matchmakers here

Matchmaker Spotlight

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Lead Matchmaker and Dating Coach

Proclaimed by the LA Times as a “Jane of all trades,” Katy Clark truly blends all her talents of fashion, fitness, and finding love into serving her clients. 

Her vibrant personality has her as our Lead Matchmaker and sought-after Dating Coach at Cinqe Matchmaking. Katy encourages old school standards with new school style.