

canada flag and view of downtown Vancouver bc matchmaker

While Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is quite close to the United States, it offers many things that the US does not. Vancouver’s Stanley Park is 10% larger than Central Park in New York, and its film and media industry is second only to Hollywood. Not bad for a gorgeous city that’s also located on the water.

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With a population of around 640,000 people, there are plenty of elite singles in Vancouver. The challenge is to meet the right match while also making time for life’s other important details. But not to worry – that’s where Cinqe Vancouver Matchmaking services come in.

What is dating like in Vancouver?

Dating in Vancouver can be a particularly interesting experience for many singles. With an abundance of features to explore, from the beautiful international cuisines to well-known city attractions, dating in Vancouver offers something for everyone. The vibrant downtown cityscape often serves as a backdrop to magical first dates or extraordinary evening experiences. Despite the larger city population and exciting dating opportunities, it can sometimes be hard to find the right person who shares similar values and interests. Fortunately, there are plenty of dating apps and online dating platforms that allow Vancouverites to access a wider dating pool with greater ease. Getting out into nature is also enjoyed by many couples looking for some outdoor adventure too. Whether you’re single or looking for someone special, dating in Vancouver is never dull or boring!

Is dating hard in Vancouver?

Dating in Vancouver can be a difficult experience for many singles. With the bustling city lifestyle and busy work schedules, it can be hard to find time to socialize and meet new people. Additionally, dating apps have increased in popularity as a quick alternative to dating traditionally, but they can make it more difficult to connect with potential partners on an emotional level. Despite the challenges of dating in a big city like Vancouver, those who are determined and willing to invest the necessary time and effort into finding someone special could still stand the chance of finding true love.

What is matchmaking?

Matchmaking is a dating service that helps bring single people together and help them find the right match. It’s a great way for dating singles to meet potential romantic partners in a safe, online or offline environment. Matchmakers can offer advice, introduce dating possibilities, and provide information so singles can make informed dating decisions to suit their own needs. They also help single people navigate the dating process and learn useful dating skills so they will feel empowered when seeking out new relationships. Matchmaking services are becoming increasingly popular, making it easier than ever for singles who are looking for love to connect with compatible dating partners.

Why is Cinqe Matchmaking the best option for elite singles in Canada?

Cinqe is considered one of the best matchmaking services in Vancouver, Canada, and Toronto. We have been honored with the prestigious title of “Best Canada Matchmaking Service of 2024” by Advice Magazine. We work by your side to help you find the perfect partner. Whether you enjoy dining out or spending time on the golf course, our certified and experienced matchmakers know what it takes to find the ideal person for you.

We believe in fostering relationships, not just one-time dates. Thus, we have a variety of services and packages available, from date coaching and image consulting to our old-fashioned matchmaking services. We also understand that our client’s privacy is of the utmost importance, which is why we take rigorous measures to protect your privacy.

At Cinqe, we will match you with genuine, quality singles ready for a relationship. To learn more about our high-end Vancouver matchmaking services, fill out the form below.

Serving singles in North Vancouver, Richmond, White Rock, Port Moody, Delta, West Vancouver, Oak Bay, North Saanich, and Whistler.


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Annie of cinqe matchmaking in a black and white photo, top matchmaking millionaire

Our featured Matchmaker in Vancouver is Annie Garmendia. Annie has lived in British Columbia for the past 15 years and was awarded Canada’s best matchmaker for 2024.

Media Mentions


Cinqe’s Complimentary Network allows singles around the US and Canada to join at no cost and create a profile in our database. When we have VIP Clients who we think would be a good fit, we get in touch.

With our VIP Network, clients get the ultimate Cinqe experience. Our team searches the world looking for the perfect matches for our clients. We conduct interviews with potential matches and send their profiles to our VIP Members for their approval. Cinqe then sets up high-end dates, handling all the details of booking a venue, confirming the time, and adding special touches.


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Are you a single woman, aged 26-40, living in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada? Do you dream of starting a family and embarking on your own unique parenting journey? If so, then connecting with us at Cinqe could be the right next step for you. Our team is dedicated to pairing couples with compatible partners who...
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canada flag and view of downtown Vancouver bc matchmaker
Vancouver BC seeking single women for our VIP client who lives in the Downtown Vancouver area.   Our client is late 30’s, 6’1″, an animal lover with a bachelor is Art History. He is commitment-minded, athletic, with a strong sense of who he is. His ideal match is a woman 26-40 who is emotionally stable,...
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