

silicon valley
San Francisco, dating, singles
Attention single women in the San Francisco Bay Area, we are looking for: Asian and Caucasian Women (Single) -38 through 58 years-old Ambitious Fit Professional Energetic Our male client is a scholar, CEO, over 6-feet tall, active tennis player and social drinker. Please email Erica Arrechea at [email protected] or apply directly at Cinqe.com/Join Are you...
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Silicon Valley, dating, relationships
In a place where there’s many options and diversity so many more ways to connect why does it seem like we can’t find anyone willing to stick around? Its time to turn misconnections into Miss Connections ;). With so many different cultures and so many different types of people in this area you actually get...
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Single In California
I was interviewing a complimentary membership member yesterday, where the candidate asked me a question I get all the time, “how can you be a single matchmaker?!” Although I am dating someone, I am unmarried. I wanted to share my response, “… being single has allowed me to learn so much from; -Self-observation, -awareness, and...
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